Friday, October 21, 2016

Not what we wanted to see today...


USCIS (US Citizenship & Immigration Services) is requesting more evidence (paperwork) before they give us i800 approval. Our adoption agency is taking care of the evidence for us. This seems to be happening to more and more international adoptive parents. Please pray it is dealt with quickly and we can be approved for i800. This is the first of 3 approvals needed before we can be registered in court in India.
Our puzzle fundraiser is still going on...
Thank you so much to those who have given! We are so close to being fully funded for our adoption. I can't wait to show her all the names on the back of her puzzle! 
These quotes have really stuck with me this week...
 Please pray with us that we will be approved for our i800 next week! We really appreciate the prayers!

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