Wednesday, April 12, 2017

April 12...

We were matched with our daughter on July 15, 2016! (You can read about it HERE) The paperwork we received had her birth date as 12/04/2014 (April 12).

So we began praying that we would be with our daughter by her 3rd birthday in April. I even made these prayer cards that we handed out...
During our i800 wait we found out that her birth date on one form did not match all the other documents. (You can read about this HERE) So now her birth date is May 14, 2014. We were fine with whichever birthday as long as we were able to keep moving along in the process.
But I could not help thinking about it all last night because it would have been the start of her 3rd birthday as we were going to sleep. Now we have been hoping and praying that we could be with her by May 14 (Her now 3rd Birthday & Mother's Day). Our first hearing is April 25. We would have to pass court, have written orders, and her passport within 2 weeks to be able to be with her by May 14. Our God could make that happen, but it may not be His will; and it is amazing the peace He has given me about that in the last 2 months! God is good, no matter what happens!
I have been keeping a journal since July of our process, things God is showing me, and little notes to Mary-Lynn.
(If you look close you can see where Matthew added his touch to the front of the 2nd journal, haha)
I keep coming back in my mind to something I copied into the journal on 7/27/16..."Yes, faith still moves mountains. But sometimes the greater act of faith is not praying for the mountain to move instantly but rather hanging in there while God helps you bit by bit." (Lysa TerKeurst) and "When we walk in difficult places, God sends the strength and nourishment to face what comes our way, not all at once, but day by day." (Women's Devotional Bible)
Adoption is tough! We have to look to God to help us through bit by bit and day by day.
My sister, Ashley, and me!
She is my hero! She and her husband have had a LONG wait in their adoption process; first just to have their baby in their arms, and then to have the adoption finalized. But next week it will all be final and I can't wait to share pictures of my beautiful niece with all of you! I can't wait to see her and Mary-Lynn together! I love that they will have each other to talk through all of their feelings about being adopted.
We had SO much fun at the Air Show this past weekend!

Please pray that the judge shows up on April 25, that he passes us in one hearing, and signs the written orders the same day!! Thank you for praying for our daughter!

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