As we sleep tonight our 7th hearing will take place. We found out that it is our judge that is not convinced about our adoption. Our adoption agency and orphanage have been working closely together to try and get help from higher authorities in India. So we are praying that everyone that needs to be there for us to pass will be!
I was thinking about the number 7. We call it the number of perfection. When God created the heavens and the earth He rested on the 7th day. It was finished and complete. Namaan in 2 Kings was told to bathe in the Jordan River 7 times, Joshua was told to march around Jericho for 7 days, 7 pairs of clean animals were put on the ark, 7 things the Lord hates in Proverbs 6:16, 7 parables in Matthew 13, 7 woes in Matthew 23, 7 churches in Revelation, and so many more. The number 7 is used over 700 times in the Bible.
My favorite part is that 7 can mean complete and finished. Oh how I am praying our 7th hearing is it...that court will be finished and complete!!
We do not know what the future holds. There are so many unknowns...when will we pass, will we get writtens and passport quickly, when will Mary-Lynn be in her forever family, will she attach and bond well, how will the boys do with all the change? But a sweet friend shared this from Pastor Chris Hodges today...
What we can know in the unknown:
1. I know that God knows. He is all-knowing.
2. I know that God is at work. He is all-powerful.
3. I know that God is with me.
Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to an all-knowing God. When you know God is with you, you can face whatever comes against you.
Another great quote I heard today is, "The plan for the future is to be faithful today."
(Katy McCowan)
A final thought...Jesus could have healed Lazarus. His glory and power would have been shown. But how much more was it shown by raising him from the dead 4 days later? God knows what He is doing and we just have to trust Him.
Mary-Lynn and Mommy shirts made at Woven, our church ladies craft night!
Sweet gift from a very special family in our church!! I can't wait to play with baby dolls with Mary-Lynn!
Our niece, Zoe, and Matthew trying out Mary-Lynn's bed! I can't wait for Mary-Lynn and Zoe to have spend the night parties together, where I am sure Matthew will bug them!
Thank you so much for the encouragement, giving, and prayers during our adoption process!! We are praying it will be coming to an end soon, and a new beginning for Mary-Lynn and our family!
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