Wednesday, April 4, 2018

2 months in our arms!

She has only been in our arms for 2 months, but it seems like she has been with us forever. I loved this precious baby before I even knew her, and fell more in love the moment I saw her little face in a picture almost 2 years ago. As we waited and waited to bring her home, the love grew more. And as you could imagine, my heart just might burst with love now that she is in my arms. The moment she was conceived she was ours! We do not have much information on her at all, but we know she was left at a police station as a newborn. I am so thankful that her birthmother chose life for her, and so thankful to whoever it was that left her at that police station.

During our wait, especially on Sundays while singing in church, I would pray and ask God that as she was on the other side of the world asleep He would let her dream of us; I asked that He would let her see our faces and hear our voices as we sang to Him in church. So it is such a huge blessing to hear this precious baby sing along with me now!!
It seems like she has been with us forever, but at the same time I realize how much we have missed with her. 3 years and 9 months we have missed, and not just missed but have no idea about her life at all during those times except for some vague paperwork and a few pictures. But I know our God can and will redeem the time lost. I love watching her take it all in, and learning new things, and being able to hold her, rock her, calm her when she is upset, kiss her booboo's; all the things we have missed until now. I love being this precious girl's mommy!!
She is so girly, and I LOVE it! She still loves shoes, new clothes, baby dolls, and bows! She is saying about 60 words in English now, but if she really gets to talking no one can understand her, haha! She has gained 3 pounds since coming home and grown an inch in height!! Her favorite to eat right now is Honey Nut Cheerios and chicken nuggets. She loves Caleb, is getting so much better with Eli, and likes to tattle on MattMatt, but also will copy just about anything that he does. She is doing so much better with her daddy, but still prefers mommy, especially at bed time. It amazes me how much she has grown and learned in just 2 short months!
My cousins came to do her Patty Cakes (
 Jump House fun before the Upward Celebration
My "twins" ;)
Officially Mary-Lynn Sharles Green
Zoo fun!
My sister and I are having too much fun matching our gorgeous girls!!
 Thank you, thank you, thank you to Susan Luckie for capturing these great pictures for us!!


We are so thankful that she is HOME! There are SO many children all over the world waiting to be brought home, don't ignore or run from God. He will provide! Is your son or daughter waiting for you? I would love to talk if so!

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