Monday, May 23, 2016

Home Study Time!!

Our first home study is scheduled for this Saturday!!

Excited, nervous, and stressed!! ;) Please pray it goes well!
If you read my first blog post (We are adopting!), you know that the main way God led us to adopt a little girl from India is because of human trafficking. I just finished a fiction book based on human trafficking of children right here in America. If you like to read fiction novels, I recommend this one. It will really open your eyes to what human trafficking is really like. It is written by a Christian author so there are no cuss words and it does not get graphic. I bought it and downloaded it through my Nook app.
Eli, our middle son, had Award's Day at school today. He had THE BEST teacher for 2nd grade. We are going to  miss her!!! She had the sweetest slideshow put together for the parents to watch today. The end had a picture of each student with a paper saying what they wanted to be in the child said...wait for gamer! Haha!

So proud of him for making the 50 Mile Club! They had to run a mile in under 12 minutes for it to count towards their miles.
Lastly, this cute little face needs a home ASAP! Let me know if you want her :) She is 6 weeks old.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Heather! I came across your blog via facebook. I grew up in the Eclectic area and graduated from ECHS in 2002. I live in south Alabama now. My husband and I adopted a little girl from India in 2015. Here is my email address and I would love to share our story with you and be glad to help if you have any questions.

    Betty Clair Hatcher
