Monday, November 27, 2017


7 months and 11 hearings later...
We have finally PASSED court!! 
Hallelujah! Thank you Jesus!! 

We had our 10th hearing on Nov. 25, but the court site was not updating and our agency had no news from India. I was checking the court website like a mad woman all weekend. I decided to check it one more time before going to bed last night around 10:00 and saw that we were scheduled for our 11th hearing on Nov. 27 (while we slept last night)! They did not meet on Nov. 25. 

When I checked the court site this morning I saw this...
We have been waiting to see the word DISPOSED for a long time! I went running and crying to Britt! We are SO thankful and relieved to have this huge step done! 

We still need written orders. 

The judge has to sign them and then they have to be certified.

Once our orphanage director has the signed, certified written court orders she can get Mary-Lynn's birth certificate and then apply for her passport. 

So we still have some waiting, but like Eli (our 9 year old) said, that's only 3 more things!!

We are so much closer to bringing our baby girl home now!

Please pray these last steps go quickly! I am going to leave you with a song my daddy introduced us to recently...