Saturday, December 2, 2017

What a day!

We got new pictures and videos of our precious girl from a sweet, sweet adoptive momma who was picking up her daughter! It is was SO good to see her and how well she seems to be doing; but she is growing so fast and getting bigger and we are missing it.
But we are praying it will not be too much longer and she will be in our arms and home where she belongs! I can't wait to share her beautiful smile and gorgeous, big eyes with all of you!!
 Our written orders were uploaded to the court site the same day we passed. But there were some typos that need to be fixed.
So good to finally see in writing that she is ours!!
Her birth certificate has been applied for. As soon as the written orders are fixed and they have her birth certificate the passport can be applied for. Please pray that all of this goes smoothly and quickly. Our awesome adoption agency is staying on top of it all for us!
Another sweet India adoption momma sent us some beautiful India clothing for Mary-Lynn. It came in the mail today...
It has been a good day, an exciting day! We are getting closer and closer to bringing our daughter home!!
We went to see Santa tonight. Can't wait to have Mary-Lynn home to make memories like these along with us!
These pajamas are hilarious! Mary-Lynn has some too! Can't wait to take their picture in their matching pajamas!!
Please continue to pray along with us that we are with our daughter so soon!

1 comment:

  1. I want to see all the pictures and video tomorrow! I am so excited!!!
