Sunday, December 24, 2017

Merry Christmas!! (2017)

2 years ago today I posted my first blog announcing our adoption. We had just started our process 6 weeks before. We were not matched with Mary-Lynn yet, had never seen her face, but we were so excited and full of anticipation. She was 1 1/2 half years old sitting in an orphanage over 8,000 miles away from us when I posted my blog...
This time last year we had been matched with our precious daughter 5 1/2 months. We had seen her face. Her daddy got to meet and hold her a month before. We were coming into a tough No Objection Certificate wait, and even tougher court process. She was 2 1/2 years old and still sitting in that orphanage without her family.  
And here we are, our 3rd Christmas since we started our adoption process. We so hoped she would be home with us by now. But at least we see the light at the end of the tunnel. We are still waiting on the birth certificate so the passport can be applied for. Please pray along with us that those things come quickly.
Another sweet couple, the Kirkegaards, are at their 3rd Christmas without their son. Please pray for them also!! I wanted to share what Kelsey so transparently shared with all of us on social media...
Their son is in a tough northern state of India like Mary-Lynn is, but our babies are SO worth the wait and the hard!!
Another India adoptive momma shared this...
I'm sharing a lot from others tonight because it is just so good and worded better than I ever could have. This is from a blog called No Hands But Ours...

We have had a tough week. Matthew had the flu and I had a fender bender (my first ever, still mad at myself). But I think God was trying to slow me down and remind me that this season is about Him and nothing and no one else. It's so easy to get caught up in the busyness of this time of year and forget what it is really about. When we have Mary-Lynn home with us next Christmas the most important thing will be to teach her what Christmas is really about. Jesus! And oh how I pray that she will come to know Him and have a personal relationship with Him.
Boo for the Flu!

 I looked down to change the air and when I looked up the car in front of me had stopped. The guy I hit was very nice about it and kept asking if I was ok. My legs are bruised up and my van had to be towed. But the man I hit was able to drive his car home, thankfully.


We did get snow in Alabama on December 9 though! That was awesome!!

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service tonight...I started to get emotional a few times not having Mary-Lynn with us but our 4 year old was so bad he helped the emotions go in another direction! #ineedemojis #jesustakethewheel

Mary-Lynn's Christmas tree in her room!

Christmas surprise for the boys in the morning! And yes, we know we are CRAZY! Hahaha!

From our family to yours, Merry Christmas!!!


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