We really thought 2017 would be the year Mary-Lynn came home. I even wrote this in her journal on New Year's Day 2017...
We had already been waiting for the No Objection Certificate for 3 1/2 weeks and would have another almost 7 weeks before we finally got it. Two months after we got NOC we finally had our first court hearing. We never dreamed it would last 7 months! But praise God we finally passed!! 2017 has been a lot of waiting and frustrations in our adoption. But we have grown in our relationships with Christ in ways we never would have without this experience. And as Britt said in his sermon this morning, our suffering is never wasted, God uses all things for His good.
We have hopeful anticipation for 2018! We received an e-mail this week that the passport has been applied for. There seems to be some trouble surrounding it, but we know God will handle it just like He has handled every other issue in our adoption process. So for now we keep trusting Him and wait in hopeful anticipation! We continue to pray that God prepares Mary-Lynn for all the changes that 2018 will bring her way.
Santa came to see Mary-Lynn!
She also got gifts from MawMaw & PawPaw...
...Aunt Ashley, Uncle Michael, and Zoe...
...and Aunt Kim and Uncle Greg.
My sweet friend, Christie, got this for our family...
Eli is starting to wonder if we will be here for his birthday (Jan. 21). We just are not sure. We have told him most likely we will find out it is time to travel and then leave within the same week. Pray for all 3 boys, we have never been away from each other as long as we will be for this trip.
Even though the adoption has brought frustrations and long waits, God has really blessed us with some great family time with our boys in 2017. Here is a video of our 2017 fun...I had to add that first song for Mary-Lynn (and her birthday is in May!)...
Happy New Year and THANK YOU SO MUCH for all the support you have given our family through our adoption! Praying we will be with our daughter so soon!!!